quilter's corner

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quilter's corner

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2 posters

    awesome free design board


    Number of posts : 981
    Location : northern New England
    Humor : dry, like fine wine
    Registration date : 2009-01-24

    awesome free design board Empty awesome free design board

    Post by nor'easter Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:50 am

    From the Jinny Beyer Studio website. They have a BOW (block of the week) with free patterns and downloads of templates in three sizes. http://jinnybeyer.com/block-a-week/live/main.cfm What is truly awesome is the design board. It launches in a separate window and looks like this http://jinnybeyer.com/block-a-week/live/index.cfm?axis_v=2&mode=color&blockid=157&borderid=52&categoryid=4 You can change the block, change the border, go from color to line drawing, download the block pattern (not the border, but how hard is that), and it calculates the yardage necessary for each color for the blocks and the borders (if you choose one using her fabrics) after you tell it how many blocks wide and high and what size you want. I wouldn't rely on the border yardage because nowhere does it ask how wide you want to make it. This may be because JB fabrics are printed borders and they assume you want to use the width of the print. Regardless, check it out, it's a fun place to play around. Also check out the free quilt patterns http://jinnybeyer.com/freepatterns/index.cfm and the quilting tips section http://jinnybeyer.com/quilttips/index.cfm

    Number of posts : 661
    Age : 64
    Location : Winthrop,MA
    Humor : Quilting is threapy. And I can use all the threapy I can get.
    Registration date : 2009-01-24

    awesome free design board Empty Re: awesome free design board

    Post by deb4quilts@comcast.net Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:31 am

    Thanks. Have to play around with it when I have some free time.

      Current date/time is Fri May 10, 2024 1:04 am